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UnveilingT heReasonsWhyUF [グラドル]

Unveiling The Reasons Why UFO/UAP Technologies Have Been Hidden

For nearly a century, the truth about UFOs and Unidentified Aerial Phenomena has remained shrouded in secrecy. But now, the tides are turning, and the era of disclosure is hurtling towards us. As this revelation unfolds, a fascinating dichotomy emerges: some will readily embrace the notion, even those who once dismissed it as absurd, while others will struggle to to accept this idea.

Yet, the heart of the matter transcends the debate about extraterrestrial intelligence. It centers on an awe-inspiring array of technologies, carefully concealed from the public eye for reasons known only to a select few in positions of power. These technologies hold the potential to revolutionize our world, to mend the very fabric of our existence.

Imagine oceans cleansed of their pollutants, hunger obliterated by boundless resources, and a planet powered by clean, accessible energy, free to all. The prospect is tantalizing, a utopian vision on the cusp of becoming reality. Join us on this thought-provoking journey as we delve into the labyrinthine corridors of hidden knowledge, exploring the untold stories that could reshape humanity's destiny. The countdown to revelation has begun, and the course of history stands at a crossroads. Will you be a witness to the dawning of a new era?\

0:00 Intro

0:54 The Flying Machine (chapter 1)
--- 03:28 Nazis and Antarctica
--- 04:10 Dr. Steven Greer interview snippet

04:58 The Impossible is Possible (chapter 2)
--- 06:09 Infinite possibilities
--- 06:58 Heavier than air flying machines
--- 08:05 Wisdom of knowing

08:52 Light Speed (chapter3)
--- 09:51 Mars and the Earth
--- 10:48 The galaxy

11:39 A New Beginning (chapter 4)
--- 11:44 Technologies
--- 12:05 Dr. Steven Greer interview snippet 2
--- 12:56 It's already here

Original interview from Shawn Ryan Show
Shawn Ryan Show channel @ShawnRyanShowOfficial
My YouTube channel Beyond Possibilities @bpossible

Software and other info
Music and some footage licensed from
3D animations made in Blender
2D animations and compositing made in After Effects
Sound design and some musical elements made in Reaper
Editting in Premiere Pro

Become one of us:

#Joyplanes #UFO
tag: joyplanes,joyvel,airplanes,radio control,light speed,ufo,uap,steven greer,disclosure,speed of light,alcubierre drive,warp speed,et,extraterrestrials,new technology,history of airplane,lord kelvin,faster than light,mars,earth,moon,black projects,hidden agenda,stargate,tic tac,navi pilots,go fast video,ufo hearing,Electromagnetic Propulsion,Project BlueBeam,UPA Technology,AntiGravity,Atomic Bomb,Zero Point Energy,Military Industrial Complex,Antarctica


USDefenseD eptTheorizesUF [女優]

US Defense Dept Theorizes UFO's Are Alien Motherships

The official in charge of a Pentagon effort to investigate unexplained aerial incursions has co-authored an academic paper that presents the theory that recent unidentified flying objects could actually be alien probes from a mothership sent to study earth. In a draft paper, Sean Kirkpatrick, head of the Pentagon’s All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), and Harvard professor Avi Loeb teamed up to write that the UFO's, which appear to defy all physics, could be, quote, “probes from an extraterrestrial parent craft.” After the Harvard professor posted the draft paper online, it gained notoriety from circulation on news outlets. The draft paper discusses the possibility that the unexplained UFO's the Department of Defense is studying could be “probes” in the mothership scenario. One section of the draft paper is titled: “The Extraterrestrial Possibility.” // Our website..
tag: AI and ET's,pentagon UFO's,ufo us govt,ufo alien motherships,us DOD UFO
