
[アニメ]怪しいお医 者さんごっこ [女優]

[アニメ] 怪しいお医者さんごっこ




tag: シュティー,エロゲ,エロゲー,スタディ§ステディ,スタディステディ,美少女ゲーム,エロゲーム,実況動画,アクション,鬼ごっこ,同人ゲーム,プリコネ,プリコネR,麻雀コネクト


AUFO?Whatw asthatstranges [グラドル]

A UFO ? What was that strange sight in sky over South Florida

Many South Floridan’s looked up at the sky in confusion as they saw an unidentifiable object, Tuesday.

The odd object was spotted from the Broward-Palm Beach line all the way south to Miami.

The object was a balloon prototype for the space tourism startup company known as World View.

The company was performing a test flight as they continue to develop a balloon carried capsule that will take people to the stratosphere, which is about 23 miles above the Earth’s surface.

The price for a seat on the capsule is $50,000.

The first flight is slated for 2023 and the first passenger flight is expected to take off in 2024.
